Making their Voice Count
During the last academic year, 5th grade students have dedicated their science classes to explore some of the ways human activities, what you and I do every day, disrupt the delicate balance in ecosystems. From “Making their Voice Count ” to“ Thinking Globally and Acting Locally”, they have one or two things to teach you about the importance of ecosystems and the contamination in the Rio Bogotá, the most important river in the Cundinamarca department. After studying the importance of ecosystems, the special properties of water and the invaluable role watersheds play in the water cycle, the students worked individually to create persuasive videos on selected research strands and later worked in groups to make podcasts on the importance of water. We want you to become aware of these problems and the possible solutions. Please listen to them and be part of the solution.
Kingsley Ogbonna
Science Coordinator
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