May 6, 2022

IV Modelo Naciones Unidas CLN


Del 22 al 24 de abril se realizó el Cuarto Modelo de Naciones Unidas del Colegio. Además de nuestro grupo de MUN, el encuentro contó con la participación de estudiantes de los colegios San Jorge de Inglaterra, Los Alcaparros, Gimnasio La Montaña, Portales, Caobos y Retos. Las discusiones se dieron en torno al tema de la guerra de Ucrania, problemas ambientales y conflictos históricos que tuvieron un nivel académico muy alto por parte de los diferentes comités. Queremos compartir un poema escrito por Nicolás Moreno, estudiante de 11°, en el que hizo una reflexión sobre nuestra historia y ese pequeño lugar que llamamos hogar:

This little place we call home

There’s a story to be told,
It’s the story of you and me,
It’s the story of all of us,
The story that makes us all a “we”.

Our story is written in stone,
In the best perennial ink,
In our blood that outlasts time,
Yet somehow manages to fly by in a wink;

If I were to describe how this story goes,
I’d fall short no matter what,
As its ups and downs, its joys and woes,
Open chapters never to be closed.

Yet in the stretch between reality and fiction,
Where reality is affliction,
And dreams are addiction,
Where simple testimony becomes a valediction;
Lies a place that we call home;

It’s a whole chapter in our story,
Or perhaps it’s the whole book;
It’s the entirety of our lifetimes
Spread across from look to look;

It’s the place where we live,
It’s the place where we play,
It’s the place where our dreams
Make the stars go on full display

It’s the place where we live,
It’s the place where we cry,
It’s the place where we condemn
The very same sufferings that we boldly deny.

It’s a place that’s so dreadful,
Full of hatred and disdain,
That corrupts youth and innocence,
Making us quiver in pain.

Clouded by discouragement,
We forget that all we’ve got,
in spite of how hard we try,
is this little place we call home.

But amidst the lurking storm,
that clouds our minds and sights,
There’s a light lit in every night
that keeps our home warm

Our past is grim and tragic,
And our present might be too,
But our future lies unwritten
In our story and in our book.

It’s up to us to change it,
It’s up to us to move,
Because our fate is not sealed forever,
nor will it ever be.

So whenever you’re writing
The next chapter of your life
Think about the story of us,
The story of you, of me, of a “we”.

A story that shines brighter than the stars,
That can light every heart ablaze,
That can erase every scar,
With its beauty, grace, and craze.

Nicolás Moreno,  11°

Últimas noticias

Resultados convocatoria Residencia Artística 2025

Resultados convocatoria Residencia Artística 2025

Le damos la bienvenida a Margaret Mariño, artista seleccionada para la residencia en el Colegio Los Nogales. Es egresada de Artes Plásticas de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia y actualmente cursa la Maestría de Estudios Culturales en la Universidad de los Andes.