Gardening project in Zasqua

Sep 3, 2021

Gardening project in Zasqua

3° grade Science teachers

Esta semana, en las clases de Ciencias de 3°, inició el proyecto de jardinería en Zasqua. Hasta el momento, los estudiantes han aprendido a preparar el suelo, quitar la maleza y delimitar el terreno para la siembra. Semanalmente revisarán el crecimiento de las lechugas y los rábanos para luego cosechar. El objetivo de esta actividad es comprobar si las plantas con o sin compost crecen más saludables. Al final del trimestre los estudiantes y sus profesoras compartirán una deliciosa ensalada.
Third grade and Zasqua are happy to have regular classes once again! Last week we started our gardening project in Zasqua. Thus far, we have cleaned the soil and made our parcels, as you will see in the pictures. However, we will live the entire cycle of gardening by planting, watering the plants, measuring their growth and potentially harvesting and making a salad!

This trimester we will be working with lettuce and radish. We will see as we visit Zasqua on a weekly basis whether compost really help plants to grow taller and healthier. We will have some plants in soil with compost and some others in soil without compost. As we visit Zasqua, we will record carefully what we see and prove our initial hypothesis.

Thanks to school, the third grade Science teachers, William Rincón and the rest of the Zasqua staff to make this beautiful project come to life!

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