Ethical AI: Shaping Our Digital Future
Ethical AI: Shaping Our Digital Future
Late last year, the Academic Technology Team hosted our annual CLN Digital Citizenship Week. The overarching theme for this year was, “Ethical AI: Shaping Our Digital Future.” Over the course of this week, both students and teachers actively engaged in a series of daily challenges, delving into the profound implications of Artificial Intelligence. It was remarkable to see the exceptional quality of responses received during each challenge.
We extend our heartfelt appreciation to the entire community for your enthusiastic participation in this event. Special recognition goes to the winners of each daily challenge listed below:
- Day 1: Valeria A. JA; Valeria V. 6B; Miranda B. 7B
- Day 2: Gabriela R. 5B; Carolina Torres – Profesora Semestralizado.
- Day 3: Juanita R., Adelaida T., Gabriela Cárdenas de 10°; Juan Antonio R., Emilio M. de 5C; Daniel P., Simón B., Santiago S., Juan M. de 7C; Alda Berardinelli – Profesora Semestralizado.
- Day 4:Tatiana O, Gabriela R, Isabella P, de 7C.
The winners can claim their well-deserved vouchers from my office, located in the Semestralizado building.
Once again, thank you for contributing to the success of Digital Citizenship Week.
Simon Trembath
Academic Coordinator of Technology
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