Professional Development

Los Nogales has a comprehensive, high-level curriculum aligned with developing 21st century skills, both academic and for life outside of school, such as teamwork, communication skills, investigation, “learning to learn,” and a solid values education. In conjunction with this comprehensive curriculum, the school has a Department of Professional Development (DPD) that ensures that teachers at Colegio Los Nogales are constantly updated on teaching practices in accordance with the school’s principles and objectives, in addition to sharing and communicating best practices with other teachers and schools in Colombia. All of these pursuits are built upon an open-minded approach to constant learning so that we exemplify the pursuit of excellence and be, serve, and transform education in Colombia.

What does the DPD offer other schools?

Our Department of Professional Development is able to offer other schools advice or workshops on teacher training and pedagogical material developed by the school, such as Reading and Composition, Spelling, and Catechism manuals.

Advice and workshops

  1. Curriculum assistance for Spanish, English, English as a Second Language, Math, Art, Science, and other programs
  2. Language skills workshop
  3. Cooperative learning workshop
  4. FINES (Comprehensive Values Education) workshop
  5. Classroom Management Workshop
  6. Inquiry-Based Learning Workshop
  7. Innovation Workshop

Publications available

  1. Reading and Composition manuals for 1st through 8th grade.
  2. Teacher User Guides for 1st through 4th grade (supplementary material to the manuals).
  3. Spelling manuals for 1st through 6th grade.
  4. Catechism notebook for 2nd grade
  5. The sale includes training workshops for teachers.

More information