
Colombian School with international vision

World citizen

The school promotes internationalism by offering programs that foster the development of international perspectives, intercultural exchanges, and global citizenship.

Our students have opportunities to learn about global issues and cultures across the curriculum as well as languages through the Colombian and Advanced Placement curricula.

We offer experiential and virtual learning opportunities to interact with students and teachers in different countries to learn how to communicate, serve, and lead in intercultural and diverse environments.

We promote global awareness projects and global citizenship activities to develop knowledge, skills, and values that build character and promote cultural understanding and inclusion.

International Programs and Training for Faculty

We provide academic and experiential opportunities for teachers to learn about international themes and practices in education abroad.

Also, we establish relationships with external professional organizations and build a network of contacts to support our international programs through participation and endorsement.

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CLN Remixes: Kafka´s The Metamorphosis

CLN Remixes: Kafka´s The Metamorphosis

CLN Remixes: Kafka´s The MetamorphosisBy Camila Gamboa and Jason Parris, Highschool English TeachersAs a culminating project for our shared study of Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis, the students in the Novels class created remixes. They took elements of Kafka’s...

What can we learn from animal stories

What can we learn from animal stories

The third grade English teachers, María Fernanda Rojas, Cristina Lares and Michelle Rondón, led the activity of creating short plays and performing them in their classes. First, the students listened to and read plays about animals. They identified messages and morals related to empathy, trust, honesty, gratitude and consistent work. Afterwards, they wrote their own scripts through which they answered the essential question of the unit: “What can we learn from animal stories?”.