At Colegio Los Nogales we innovate for development
Innovation at Colegio Los Nogales is based on a mindset of growth and change that is embedded in our school culture. It is an element that permeates all areas and spaces of Colegio Los Nogales with the aim of promoting, generating and implementing new ideas that add value.
We are currently designing and implementing educational initiatives that will have an impact on the academic and socio-emotional development of our students.
Experimental Laboratory
- The Experimental Laboratory is a class through which seniors manage a project on a topic where their personal interests, the UN Sustainable Development Goals and a current problem in Colombia intersect.
- It is a new space designed by the school where, through a guided process following the Design Thinking methodology and supported by teachers and mentors from the Colegio Los Nogales community, students will have the opportunity to find solutions and apply them in a real context in Colombia.
- It is an interdisciplinary, collaborative space where students and teachers interact and share their experiences and knowledge. The Experimental Laboratory is also a safe space for students to propose and make mistakes with their proposals, to learn from these mistakes in their design and to have the opportunity to iterate their designs and implement the feedback they receive from their users and mentors.
- The purpose of this new space is to allow Colegio Los Nogales students to serve and transform right now, since the real world and our country’s most pressing social and environmental needs will not wait. It is also a space where students will have the time, resources and guidance to better understand other realities within our country; it will be a space to empathize with different communities and people, and above all a space to take action.

Global classrooms – in partnership with Round Square
- Colegio Los Nogales is part of a network of international schools, through which we have the opportunity to take part in cultural and academic exchanges with more than 200 schools around the world.
- Currently, we are working together with a school in Canada and another in Brazil to design the first project that seeks to integrate an entire classroom of students from other schools within the network.
- This project is led by the Middle School Science Department, and it aims to generate collaborative and interactive virtual experiences based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Teaching Innovation Award
- Colegio Los Nogales seeks to promote the design and implementation of new ideas that have an impact on our students’ learning. To do so, the school has designed an initiative to promote an innovation mindset among teachers, and to identify and highlight new projects that are being brought into the classroom.
- In 2018-2019 we launched the first Teaching Innovation Award at Colegio Los Nogales. The theme for the first edition of this recognition was: Space Innovation Initiatives: The classroom as another teacher.
- In its first year, the Teaching Innovation Award invited teachers to imagine and create different environments that stimulate learning. As a result of this initiative, four teachers were selected and supported in the implementation of their initiatives aimed at redesigning a classroom where the space would function as an additional teacher.