Caminata Program

The Caminata Program at Colegio Los Nogales began in 1987, as an integral part of our students’ educations. Over the years, we have traveled through some of the most beautiful places in Colombia and other Latin American countries. The program’s purpose is to provide students with the opportunity to get to know their country, traveling it on foot, as well as to offer them opportunities for physical, social, cultural and emotional growth.
Due to its educational focus, this program allows students to get to know different tropical ecosystems, species and cultures, avoiding traditional tours and common destinations to bring participants closer to the customs and way of life of the people who live in different regions of the country. It also teaches them to recognize geographic aspects, flora, fauna and Colombia’s social, political and economic development, acquiring knowledge and having the opportunity to compare these natural areas to others in the Americas that also offer biological and cultural richness.
At the same time, the hikes develop an emotional and personal component. Each hike involves technical and social skills, which are emphasized to strengthen students’ learning and physical and emotional development. During this process of training good hikers, students also acquire and enhance their skills and taste for outdoor cooking.
Strategically, the school’s Caminata Program has been designed to develop gradually, increasing the level of difficulty for students. As a result, as the student grows, the hikes become more demanding, helping students improve their fitness levels and finish routes that become longer and more challenging.