AP Research: Perspectives about global challenges
Students in AP Research were able to delve deeper into personal areas of interest and develop research skills that led them to writing a final paper of 4000 to 5000 words and to giving a final presentation and thesis defense. Though students worked independently on their projects, they had plenty of opportunity to work with their peers in order to give constructive feedback. Students also worked closely with their expert advisor who further guided them along the way. This course continues to highlight the wide variety of interest that we cultivate here at Nogales. Students carried out final research projects in the following fields: film analysis, economics, psychology, science, and in art and music. It is a great privilege to be a part of this thriving research-driven community and we are proud to share our final presentations.
AP Seminar: Perspectives about global challenges
This year in AP Seminar, students worked on research projects about a challenging theme: courage, change, and impact. We started the process by reading stimulus sources about courage, fear, and social change to make thematic and interdisciplinary connections before coming up with research questions that were open, researchable, and debatable. Students worked individually on the research process to grow as independent and self-directed researchers. The project involved using databases to find sources, reading critically, writing an evidence-based argument, and presenting information orally in formal academic presentations. We are delighted to share presentations about issues in different fields such as sports, psychology, history, philosophy, science, and education. The projects represent individual reflections of how humans experience courage and fear when facing challenges, advocating for change, and making an impact.
Últimas noticias
The Samurai’s Journey
Second, third, and fourth graders attended a theater performance by Artspot, an Argentine company known for its engaging shows, including “The Real Samurai.
Conferencia Internacional: Blooming from the Past
La Conferencia Internacional de Round Square (RSIC 2024), realizada por primera vez en Latinoamérica, marcó un hito para la comunidad nogalista y los demás colegios anfitriones.
Gobierno Escolar 2024-2025
Nuestros estudiantes eligieron a los representantes de cada curso para el Consejo Estudiantil y al Personero. Con mucha emoción les presentamos a los candidatos nogalistas y campañas elegidas