The Samurai’s Journey
Second, third, and fourth graders attended a theater performance by Artspot, an Argentine company known for its engaging shows, including “The Real Samurai.” This performance tells the story of a quest for leadership in a Japanese temple and explores important qualities such as strength, intelligence, honesty, responsibility, and the importance of caring for oneself and others. The colorful characters and cool costumes added to the excitement of the experience!
The English Department in Elementary invited Artspot to share “The Real Samurai” with students to help them learn about Japanese culture and history through samurai stories. Watching the show also helps improve English listening skills, as students hear the dialogue and see the actions that tell the story.
The lively visuals and movement keep students engaged, making learning fun and memorable. The themes of bravery and honor encourage students to think about their own goals. Artspot’s visit gives students a chance to practice their English and share their thoughts about the performance. Overall, this visit was a great way to combine language learning with cultural exploration and promote positive character development.
By: Luz Elena Barragán – Primary English Coordinator
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