Perspectives about global challenges
Ap Seminar students investigated global challenges from different perspectives to produce individual research reports and team multimedia presentations. One group decided to investigate the War of Drugs in Colombia and the United States to consider the historical, political, social and economic impacts. Another group decided to study microfinance as a solution from economic, ethical and futuristic perspectives to address social and economic inequality. The other two groups focused their research on sustainability challenges: energy consumption in the automotive industry in the United States and sustainable cities around the world. The first group considered different technologies, policies, financial trade-offs and options for storing car data. The other group investigated social, economic and environmental issues by evaluating Smart cities, mixed-use development and social participation in urban planning. Student work shows high levels of engagement and commitment to research as a tool for understanding complex issues that affect individuals and communities.
Tammy Dobrzynski, AP Seminar Global Perspectives Teacher.
Perspectives about global challenges
Energy Consumption in the Automotive Industry in the United States
Martín Amaya, Natalia Obando, and Jarorlav Vlasak
Aftermath of The War on Drugs
Amalia Cárdenas, Santiago Pailhé, and María Margarita Molina
The Future of Energy Consumption in the Automotive Industry in the United States
Antonio Llano
Tackling Inequality Through Microfinance
Alejandra González, Samuel Godoy, and Valeria Jiménez
Sustainables Cities
Jerónimo Cuartas, Paulina Espinosa, and Nicolás Simoes
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