Global challenges from different perspectives
This year AP Seminar students completed an intensive research process about a variety of global challenges. We had five groups that collaborated to prepare researchable questions about challenging topics, select and analyze academic sources, and write individual research reports for different lenses to finally produce team multimedia presentations that show their skills in multiple-lens analysis to propose holistic solutions that take into account implications and limitations.
One group studied drug trafficking in Colombia (national focus) while another group did research about brain drain in Latin America (regional focus). We also had groups that worked on the obesity epidemic in the United States, nuclear proliferation and weapons of mass destruction, and digital infrastructure issues (international and global focus). The team multimedia presentations are delivered in teams and include components such as the team’s research question, the thesis, context information, multiple-lens analysis of issues, and a team solution. The English Department is happy to share this year’s team multimedia presentations with the Nogales community.
Tammy Dobrzynski, AP Seminar Global Perspectives Teacher.
Perspectives about global challenges
Uses of Digital Infrastructure
Juanita D., Mateo S., Emilio S., and Camilo U.
Nuclear Proliferation and Weapons of Mass Destruction
María José C,. Santiago P., and Pablo Q.
Brain Drain in Latin America
Lucía B., Sebastián M., and Sarah P.
The Obesity Epidemic in the United States
Alejandro B., Alejandro C., Catalina L., and Ana R.
Drug Trafficking in Colombia
Lucía P., Catalina R., and Tomás S.
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